Tartu – smart city

since 1632

The most sTARTUp-minded city in the world

Tartu is a city with a rich history and cultural heritage, and an inventive and creative future. The city’s aim is to be part of the global economy and culture, but at the same time maintain the city’s core values – cooperation, innovation, greenery, compactness, safety and sustainability. Tartu is in constant motion, empowered by innovative changes, to provide a unique and inclusive business ecosystem and the best living environment. 

  • In the year 2000, Tartu was the first city in the world to introduce mobile parking

  • Tartu has 11 higher education institutions, which provide world-class research-based higher education

  • The city is home to the University of Tartu which is in the top 300 of all universities

  • Tartu is home to sTARTUp Day, the leading early-stage business festival in the region

  • Biotechnology accounts for a quarter of all the science funding in Estonia

  • Tartu metal companies offer world-class, quality products with in-house prototyping

  • Forests cover 51% of Estonia’s land territory. The woodworking industry creates 15% of the added value of the entire Estonian economy


Long traditions and high competence in the metal processing & machine building, woodworking and food industries, information & communication technology, biotechnology & medicine and space technology have made our companies internationally competitive.


    Tartu region is the food pantry of Estonia, with both large industries and small organic producers

  • A clean environment and maintaining green city living have been Tartu’s focus for decades

  • LivCom Awards 2nd place in 2019

  • Green Destinations Story Award in the category of Environment and Climate in 2021

  • Green Destinations Silver Award in 2021

  • Tartu will be the European Capital of Culture in 2024, with the leading theme of "Arts of Survival"

  • The world’s first autonomous hydrogen vehicle, created by the Estonian enterprise Auve Tech in cooperation with University of Tartu researchers, was presented to the public for the first time in Tartu, Estonia


Tartu is innovative, open-minded, scientific, and smart. We constantly create and implement unique and user-centred services and projects together with entrepreneurs and citizens.


Tartu embodies wisdom, and therefore boasts an excellent climate for business.


We have a strong and prosperous community with various incubators, research institutions and the startup ecosystem.